By James Kwon
By James Kwon
With all the countless information out there about search engine optimization (SEO), PPC ads, social media, and website optimization, it can be difficult to pinpoint what to focus on. One thing for sure is that your customers are finding you online and doing extensive research before giving you a call. This is why websites are a key component for manufacturing marketing strategy.
Good SEO and having a quality site are necessary for attracting visitors and increasing leads. We’ve put together a list of 7 simple things manufacturers can do to improve their website.
The list focuses on high ROI changes that you can easily and quickly do yourself.
This is a good, free way to gain online presence. Listing your manufacturing company in trusted directories will help customers find you and direct them to your website. Every link in a directory is a way for customers to find you.
Prepare a short overview of what your company does, and use this list of business directories to help you get started.
I’m sure there are plenty of people who would say that having a responsive website that looks good on mobile devices is not as important for B2B as it is for B2C. But if you look into the fact that it is often decision makers (top managmement execustives) who are the ones contacting you and meeting you on trade show floors, this might indicate differently. Busy executives often use their tablets and smartphones to do research, source products, and contact customers.
A mobile responsive website is not only important for prospective customers, but 9 out of 10 job seekers use a mobile device to look for jobs.
Overall, more Google searches are done using a mobile device than using a laptop or PC. So take out your phone and do a quick check.
Everyone loves getting a peek at what’s behind-the-scenes. Show off your operations, employees, and even video testimonials from your current customers. Videos are also great content that can be shared across your social media channels to drive traffic to your website.
A video on your website can help potential customers visualize who you are and how you can help them.
A title tag is what displays in the top bar of internet search browsers and on the search results page. While it may seem like a meaningless detail, title tags impact how well you rank in search engine results. If you use WordPress, here’s quick video tutorial on how to change your title tags.
Search Browser:
Search Results Page:
This is a quick fix that can increase clicks to your website from organic search. And more visitors means more leads.
To an outsider, it is not usually obvious as to what sets different manufacturers apart. You can help show how your company is unique by including your capabilities and the different equipment used.
Many times you can indicate your experience and capabilities by displaying the certification your company has earned. This can reassure website visitors that you are legitimate.
Detailed information about your capabilities will help customers pick up the phone to call you instead of moving on to your competitors’ website.
A call-to-action is an image or text that asks your website visitors to take some type of action, whether it is to ‘Download an Ebook’, ‘Get a Free Trial,’ ‘Register for the Event,’ or whatever you want the end goal to be for visitors.
The call-to-action offers visitors something of value, and in exchange, they give you their contact information (name, email, etc.) when they fill out a website form. And once you have their contact information, they become a lead!
An effective call-to-action can be your biggest tool for converting visitors to leads.
Heatmaps highlight where your website visitors are clicking and how far down they are scrolling. This is important because if your call-to-action is located close to the bottom of your homepage, but visitors are not scrolling that far, you are missing out on converting those visitors into leads.
There are free plugins, such as CrazyEgg, that make it easy to track what visitors are doing on your website so that you can make high ROI changes.
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Web Development